Child's name * (First name and middle name) First Name Last Name Child's date of birth * Please write eg 2nd March 2022 Child's gender at birth * (required by the Archdiocese) Father's name * One parent must be a Catholic. First Name Last Name Religion of father * Mother's name * First Name Last Name Mother's Maiden Name * Please add if different to Surname. The Mother's maiden name is required for the Baptism register and on the official certificate. Religion of the mother * Residential address : * Street address (not a PO Box). Include suburb & postcode. Contact phone number * (###) ### #### Email * All correspondence will be sent to your email address, as below. Additional child to be baptised? (First name and middle name) First Name Last Name Child's date of birth Please write eg 2nd March 2022 Names and religions of godparents? One godparent must be a Catholic. Please include the religion of each godparent beside their name. Parent Preparation Sessions * Please select only ONE of the following dates for which you will attend 12th March 2025, 6:15pm 9th April 2025, 6:15pm 11th June 2025, 6:15pm 9th July 2025, 6:15pm 10th September 2025, 6:15pm 8th October 2025, 6:15pm 12th November 2025, 6:15pm Proposed dates of Baptism Baptisms may be booked out for several months. Other children in the family? Please write their names and dates of birth. Any further information or questions? Please contact : I give permission for my family's details to be added to St Bernard's Parish records. Yes No Privacy Statement Thank you! Our Baptism coordinator will be in touch with you shortly.