Mass times
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Lent and Easter Services
ASH WEDNESDAY: Morning Mass 9:30am
Evening Mass 7:00pm
LENTEN PENITENTIAL SERVICE: Wednesday 9th April 7:00pm
TENEBRAE: Prayer Service TBA
HOLY THURSDAY MASS: 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s last supper followed by Adoration at the Altar of Repose
GOOD FRIDAY: Stations of the Cross 10:00am
The Passion of our Lord 3:00pm
HOLY SATURDAY: Easter Vigil - Service of Light 7:00pm, RCIA candidates receive the sacraments
EASTER SUNDAY: Mass of the Resurrection 9:00 and 10:30am
Weekday Masses
Tuesday & Friday 12 noon
Wednesday & Thursday 9.30am
The Rosary is prayed most weekdays after Mass, for peace in the world.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held on the first Friday of the month after midday Mass.
Weekend Masses
Saturday : 6pm
Sunday : 9am & 10.30am
Sunday Mass on the Radio 7:00am Light FM 89.9
10:00am Pulse FM 94.7
Sunday Mass on TV : Channel 10 6-6.30am
Channel 31 or 44, 11am St Patrick's Cathedral
Financial support for our Parish
In addition to the many opportunities for volunteer support, we welcome financial contributions, which assist with on-going expenses in the Parish.
Please contact the Office, to arrange regular payments by direct bank transfer, credit card or to receive a set of envelopes for regular giving.
There is also a Donation Tap machine in the foyer of the Church.
Please select the amount you want to donate then ‘tap’ your card.
A ‘tap’ credits the amount directly into St Bernard’s Church account.
Whenever special collections are held parishioners will also be able to use the EFT POS machine, by recording the amount they have contributed on the clipboard provided.
Donations to the St Bernard’s Church Mannya Account support our sister parish in Uganda. The focus in 2024 is education - payment of fees, for a number of students who would otherwise not be able to continue at school, or the Parish Hall project.
Friday Communion
Volunteers meet at 8.45am on a Friday morning in the church, share a short prayer together and ‘go out’ to share the Eucharist.
Parishioners take Communion to other parishioners, not able to attend weekly Mass, who are in private homes & nursing homes.
If you would like to volunteer to assist with this ministry please contact the Parish Office.
Remembrance Mass
Each year a special Mass of Remembrance is held in November, for all parishioners who have had a family member die throughout the year, or who would like to pray for a loved one who is no longer with them.