Supporting the vulnerable in our community!
St Vincent de Paul
The St Vincent de Paul Society - also affectionately known as Vinnies' in Australia - is dedicated to shaping a more just and compassionate society.
We continue to be inspired by Gospel values, in the tradition of our Founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and our Patron, Saint Vincent de Paul. The St Vincent de Paul Society enables Conference Members to grow in their spiritual life through providing person-to-person practical service to people experiencing social isolation and economic disadvantage.
Like a well woven colorful tapestry, the Society's story is held together by generations of Conference Members, Associate Members, Volunteers and employees working together in service. We are led and inspired by great men and women living out the Gospel values of respect, justice, hope, joy, justice and compassion for all.
Vinnies has a number of local volunteer groups around Victoria, known as Conferences, which provide face-to-face support and a 'hand up' to vulnerable members of their communities.
Belmont Conference undertakes home visits. This is when 2 volunteers visit people at their homes, or in a local community setting, to provide support and practical assistance. Food, vouchers, clothing, furniture, budget support, back-to-school expenses - no act of charity is foreign to us. Currently due to COVID-19, phone calls replace the visits in homes.
Belmont Conference meetings are once a fortnight. If you would like to volunteer please contact Amanda through the Parish Office.