Parish Sacramental Registration
2025 - Please Note: The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be held in Term 1.
Parish Sacramental Catechist: Please contact Chrissie.Puls@cam.org.au for inquiries.
St Bernard’s Parish celebrates the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation within the Parish community, for students from Clairvaux Catholic School (Parish school), along with catholic students from Government and Private schools. Located in Belmont, the Parish covers the areas of Belmont, Highton, Wandana Heights, Ceres, the township of Moriac and the surrounding rural areas. The Parish program is available to families residing in our parish and whose children have been Baptised.
As of 2024, all Clairvaux families, with students in Year3, Year 4 and Year 6, will be required to register their child for the reception of the sacraments, through St Bernard’s Parish. Students will continue to be prepared to receive the Sacraments during class time.
First Reconciliation: In this Sacrament we experience the abundant love and mercy of God to forgive our sins and reconcile us to God and the Church.
Requirements for children:
be baptised Catholic
be in Year 3 or above
First Eucharist: In thanksgiving, we celebrate our ‘communion’ in a
special way with Jesus Christ.
Requirements for children:
be in Year 4 or above
have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation
Confirmation: The special anointing strengthens the grace of God and pours upon us the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Requirements for children:
be in Year 6 or above
have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist
Families are invited to register in the Parish’s Sacramental program and Catechist classes using the button below. Once registration has been received, the Parish Catechist will contact you by email with the relevant information.
Program Requirements
Each Sacramental program requires children to complete all preparation activities in a timely manner. In support of the children’s faith development for each Sacrament, parents and children together, are to attend a Family Faith evening, a commitment Mass and the celebration of the Sacrament. The Parish Priest, catechist and teachers reserve the right to postpone the reception of a sacrament, if parents and children do not meet the required attendances and the children are deemed to be insufficiently prepared and supported.
Registering your child for a Sacrament
General information and dates are published on the Parish Website.
Specific information will only be provided to those who are registered for a Sacrament.
IMPORTANT: Please complete a separate Registration Form for each child and for each Sacrament.
If your child is attending the Sacramental Program through the Parish, the Finance Officer will email you an invoice for the Sacramental levy. Prompt payment would be appreciated.
NOTE: All correspondence during the program will be by email so please ensure your email is correct and check regularly for updates.
Children receiving a sacrament at St Bernard’s, wear a Sacrament Stole, as a symbol of being clothed in Christ and of their continuing faith journey. The stole is reused for each sacrament, with new symbols depicting each sacrament, added as they are received by the child.