SACRAMENTAL REGISTRATION INFORMATION: As of 2024 all Clairvaux Catholic School families, along with other catholic families in the Parish, are required to register children for the Sacraments. Please complete a separate form for each child and for each Sacrament. Families new to the Parish program, will be required to provide copies of Baptism and other Sacrament certificates as necessary. All correspondence will be sent to your email, so please ensure it is correct. Items marked with * are required. Child's full name * * As registered at birth Child's Date of Birth * * MM DD YYYY School and Year level in 2025 * * SACRAMENTS * Which sacramental program are you considering for your child in 2025? * Reconciliation Eucharist Confirmation Date of Child's BAPTISM * * All families, whose child is Baptised elsewhere, will be required to provide a copy of their Baptism certificate. MM DD YYYY Church and location of child's BAPTISM? * * Sacraments previously received by your child * You may be asked to provide copies of certificates. Baptism Reconciliation Date of Sacrament MM DD YYYY Church and location Eucharist Date MM DD YYYY Church and location FAMILY INFORMATION * Name of parent/guardian 1 * First Name Last Name Religion of parent/guardian 1 * * One parent/guardian must be catholic. Name of parent/guardian 2 First Name Last Name Religion of parent/guardian 2 Residential address * * This must be a street address. PO Boxes will not be accepted. Email * * Contact Phone * * (###) ### #### I give permission for my family's details to be added to St Bernard's Parish records. Yes No PRIVACY St Bernard’s Parish is committed to maintaining your privacy in relation to the gathering, recording, storing and disclosure of information for the Church operations and to the provision of religious and pastoral care services. We will not disclose your personal information to other third parties without your consent. Thank you! We will contact you shortly via email with further information.