St Bernard’s Parish Groups—Morning Tea 9 am Mass Group Over the last 19 years a regular group of nine ladies coordinated by Doris Irwin, have provided welcoming hospitality at the 9 am mass, to all who would like to meet other community members and have a chat. The Parish is grateful for their long service commitment to the Parish over this time. The Café came to life again post covid in February 2023, now doing great work within the Parish community. The café is open between February and December, the ladies have a well earned rest in January. For many years they sponsored a Mannya schoolboy’s education. They continue offering the community morning tea and appreciate a gold coin donation to the Parish Mannya project. We thank cafe patrons for their Mannya donations of $1058 in 2023. Two volunteers are required to assist on the fifth Sunday of the month or as an emergency if one of the regulars are away. Please contact the Parish Office 52432739 or if you are interested in volunteering with this group, to assist Doris and the team.