Welcome to St Bernard’s Parish


My name is Sang Ho. I am originally from Vietnam, and I attended Corpus Christi Seminary in Melbourne for seven years prior to being ordained as a Priest for the Archdiocese of Melbourne in 2014. 

After my ordination I served as an Assistant Priest for two and a half years in the communities of Resurrection Parish in Keysborough and St Anthony’s in Noble Park.  After that, I was appointed as Assistant Priest at Our Lady of Victories, Our Lady of Good Counsel and All Hallows Parishes in Camberwell, Deepdene and Balwyn for another nineteen months. In January 2019 I took up my appointment at St Bernard’s Parish, as Administrator for a year, and then as Parish Priest. 

As an ESL (English as a Second Language) student, I have always liked to learn more about new words, expressions and idioms in English, and one of my favourite words that I often use and which has probably formed my personality (I hope!!!) is the word “hospitality”. 

Very often when we mention the word hospitality, we probably straightaway relate it to the ideas of offering a cup of tea after Mass, or of welcoming someone into our homes by offering them a meal, or by sharing accommodation with them, and this is rightly so.

When I reflect theologically on this word, however, I come to appreciate that the spirit of the word is expressed in the mystery of the Incarnation. It is the very moment when God opens himself up to be human so that we can enter, share and participate in the life of God. It is at the very heart of the divine hospitality in the person of Jesus, whereby we as humans are welcomed, loved, nurtured and nourished.

With this theological reflection in mind, I hope to live out fruitfully my priestly ministry here at St Bernard’s, endeavouring to promote a community where everyone feels welcome and experiences that great Hospitality of God.

Through our Parish website I would like to joyfully extend my welcome to each one of you to our Parish community.

With every blessing.

Father Sang Ho

Parish Priest