Outreach and Engagement in Faith

RCIA Ministry

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults at St. Bernard’s Parish

There is an interest in people wanting to become Catholics!  Inquirers come to us for a variety of reasons.  Primarily they want to find God and the Catholic church in their lives.  A main reason is that they see St. Bernard’s offering a welcoming community. 

So, what do we need to continue this successful program at St. Bernard’s Parish?

  • Leaders.  We would welcome additional leaders and presenters to the RCIA sessions. 
    We have ready-made resources and sessions so we can help out any new leaders.

  • Guest presenters.  In the past we have had guest presenters, and this has worked very well. 

  • Godparents /sponsors.  We are on the lookout for godparents / sponsors to walk with the catechumens / candidates. 

  • Prayers - please pray for us and the inquirers. 

Consider offering your gift of service to this program.
Please email stbernardleadership@gmail.com or complete the service form below and we will be in contact.

Mannya Outreach

The St Bernard's Parish Mission statement reads: St Bernard’s Parish promotes the church’s mission of living and communicating the love and values of Christ in the world around us.  The communication of love and values knows no geographical boundaries, and at St. Bernard’s Parish this extends all the way to Uganda in Africa.

Our parish is involved in something purposeful here; our actions have brought great rewards by improving the quality of life for the local community and possibly saving lives. These are a few of the initiatives that since 1989, our parish of St Bernard's has mainly focused on:

·         Health Centre

·         Medical Outreach

·         Coffee Processing Factory

·         Education Sponsorship

·         Multi-Purpose Parish Hall

·         Sustainable agriculture
Our support can transform someone’s future, uplift an entire community, and create a ripple effect of positive change.

Would you like to assist with this important outreach work and become a Mannya committee member? This would entail working with a small committee to liaise with Fr Emma and the Mannya Parish, assist with providing reports and updates and identifying future needs.

If you are interested in helping in this mission, please contact us at stbernardleadership@gmail.com or complete the service form below.

Growing Faith Group

A MONTHLY PROGRAM - 2nd Wednesday of the Month 7.30-9.00 pm in the Church Café.

A program focused on:

·         Learning to listen to the wisdom of scriptures by tapping into our feelings.

·         Measuring our lives against the ideals of the Beatitudes.

A fresh approach to faith through feeling and thinking based on the scriptural themes of the mass.  A monthly program led by Len Monk and Kristine Barker commencing Wednesday, 13 November 7.30-9.00 pm in the Parish café.

If you are interested in joining this new group, please contact us at stbernardleadership@gmail.com or complete the service form below.

Community Groups

We often talk of the concept of ‘table fellowship’ deriving from the idea that everyone was welcome at Jesus’ table. It is a table with bread and wine and maybe some scones and sandwiches or cheese and fruit. These occasions provide us with the opportunity to celebrate life and where we truly experience the essence of Church, emphasising the importance of support and human connection.
By taking the time to engage with one another, we are given the chance to see Jesus reflected in each person we encounter. We gather to discuss a wide array of topics, our personal lives, our struggles, our hopes, our dreams, and our joys, ultimately creating a welcoming space to engage in meaningful conversations about faith and the values that matter most to us.

Hospitality Group - The CAFÉ Ladies – a group of ladies serve tea and coffee in the Church Café after 9.00am Mass each Sunday, on a rostered basis.

Parish events – we are in need of a group of people who would be able to coordinate help for occasional Parish events.

Social Groups - At St Bernard’s, there are several groups that you could belong to and find a sense of community, see below.

                Passionist Family Groups – Families gather in groups in relaxed social settings to share in activities.

                Men’s Group – Men of different persuasions meet once a month to share a cuppa and a story.

                Ladies Coffee and Chat Group – Meet for a friendly coffee and a chat each month at a local café.

If you’re interested in joining any of these groups, please contact us at stbernardleadership@gmail.com or complete the service form below and we’ll be in touch with more details

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