Liturgical Calendar - Saints and Sundays

Sundays and Solemnities are in CAPITALS.

Feasts are bold.

Memorials are in ordinary type.

Optional Memorials are in italics.


1 February Saturday of the third week in Ordinary Time

Saturday Mass of the Virgin Mary


3 February Monday of the fourth week in Ordinary Time

Saint Ansgar

Saint Blaise

4 February Tuesday of the fourth week in Ordinary Time

5 February Saint Agatha

6 February Saints Paul Miki and Companions

Waitangi Day (NZ)

7 February Friday of the fourth week in Ordinary Time

8 February Saturday of the fourth week in Ordinary Time

Saint Jerome Emiliani

Saint Josephine Bakhita

Saturday Mass of the Virgin Mary

9 February 5 ORDINARY

10 February Saint Scholastica

11 February Tuesday of the fifth week in Ordinary Time

Our Lady of Lourdes

12 February Wednesday of the fifth week in Ordinary Time

13 February Thursday of the fifth week in Ordinary Time

14 February Saints Cyril and Methodius

15 February Saturday of the fifth week in Ordinary Time

Saturday Mass of the Virgin Mary

16 February 6 ORDINARY

17 February Monday of the sixth week in Ordinary Time

The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order

18 February Tuesday of the sixth week in Ordinary Time

19 February Wednesday of the sixth week in Ordinary Time

20 February Thursday of the sixth week in Ordinary Time

21 February Friday of the sixth week in Ordinary Time

Saint Peter Damian

22 February The Chair of St Peter

23 February 7 ORDINARY

24 February Monday of the seventh week in Ordinary Time

25 February Tuesday of the seventh week in Ordinary Time

26 February Wednesday of the seventh week in Ordinary Time

27 February Thursday of the seventh week in Ordinary Time

Saint Gregory of Narek

28 February Friday of the seventh week in Ordinary Time

1 March Saturday of the seventh week in Ordinary Time

Saturday Mass of the Virgin Mary

2 March 8 ORDINARY

3 March Monday of the eighth week in Ordinary Time

4 March Tuesday of the eighth week in Ordinary Time

Saint Casimir

5 March Ash Wednesday

6 March Thursday after Ash Wednesday

7 March Friday after Ash Wednesday

Saints Perpetua and Felicity (commemoration)

Ember Day

8 March Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Saint John of God (commemoration)