Parish Laudato Si’ Action Plan
Climate change puts peace, justice in peril, UN chief tells Franciscan college
October 11, 2024
Destructive impacts from climate change around the world are putting peace and justice "in peril," the head of the United Nations said at an ecology conference Oct. 10 at Siena College, a Franciscan university in upstate New York.
António Guterres, the ninth U.N. secretary-general, in a prerecorded message told an audience of more than 1,000 students, staff and visitors that the values embodied by St. Francis of Assisi and espoused by Pope Francis demand countries deliver on pledges to rapidly slash heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), the high-end target under the Paris Agreement.
"Today, floods and droughts are fueling instability, driving conflict and forcing people from their homes," he said. "And though climate chaos is everywhere, it doesn't affect everyone equally. The very people most at risk are those who did the least to cause the crisis: small island states, developing countries, the poor and the vulnerable. This is breathtaking injustice, and it is just the beginning."
So what does that mean?
Pope Francis released his encyclical letter Laudato Si’ to call for action to address the spiritual, social and economic crisis causing environmental devastation. He called us to “Hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”.
Taking their lead from Pope Francis, our Australian Catholic Bishops have invited us through Catholic Earthcare to implement a Laudato Si’ Action Plan, in order to be converted to new ways of living both personally and collectively, to care for our common home.
In August, Pope Francis made the surprise announcement that he was writing a ‘second part’ to his encyclical Laudato Si’. This new apostolic exhortation is due to be released on 4 October 2023, the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. The date also marks the conclusion to the Season of Creation, the ecumenical celebration designed to bring Christians together over care for our common home.
The figure of St Francis of Assisi cannot be underestimated. The life of St Francis was an integrated one. His approach to creation, to the poor, and to the faith, were united together. It is not a ‘green’ encyclical, it’s a social encyclical …,
Following the publication of Laudato Si’ in 2015, Pope Francis wanted to clarify the meaning of the encyclical amid significant public discussion taking place. When we speak of the “environment”, what we really mean is a relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it. Read more on our CHURCH NEWS page.
St. Bernard’s Parish - Laudato Si’ Action Plan -2024
Congratulations on a great plan! Attached is your Level 3 Earthcare Parish Certificate.
Goal 1 - Cry of the Earth
Are we hearing and responding to the cry of the earth? Reducing reliance on fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas). Using power from renewable sources (solar, wind). Minimising fossil fuel-based road and air travel. Reducing plastics and packaging.
Clean up Australia Action - Parish Team
Consider indigenous plants for new columbarium/garden area
Assess energy use
Promotion of existing wildlife & natural habitat areas in the region eg. Wires wildlife rescue & Serendip
Consider monitoring solar as a viable option across parish buildings
Goal 2 - Cry of the Poor
Are we hearing and responding to the cry of the poor? Making lifestyle changes which will care for the world’s poorest. Purchasing goods and using energy which support sustainable, ethical and fair production.
Vinnies active St. Bernard’s Belmont Conference
Fairtrade coffee, Easter chocolate and gifts where possible
Caritas Appeal during Lent and regular Mannya Uganda appeals
Food collection for Asylum Seekers at Welcome Place Geelong
Goal 3 - Ecological Economics
Are we considering and acting on ecological economics. Moving finances and investments from banks, superannuation and shares that fund fossil fuels or other activity harmful to the planet.
Check for details about ethical super and banking
Goal 4 - Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles
How are we faring with adopting a simpler lifestyle? Adopting the 5 Rs. Refuse what you don’t need, Reduce what you do need, Recycle, Reuse and Rot (compost). Eating less meat, poultry, fish and more plant- based foods. Buying locally grown foods and locally made products.
Connect LSi’ goal to local environment actions, charities and good works
Season of Creation promote sustainability tips and external events eg. Australian Conservation Foundation, Geelong Sustainability low impact living tips &
The Our-Common-Home-SEI-Vatican -
Goal 5 - Ecological Education
Are we educating ourselves and others towards integral ecology to further our awareness and action? Learning more about climate change, biodiversity loss and the threat of species extinction and teaching others.
Parish LSi’ Action group ongoing, (formed January 2023), to advise on actions
LSi’ goals/information in parish bulletin over the year
A summary of LSi’ goals, actions included on the Parish website.
Parish social media – LSi’ education and events
Parish to support and engage with Clairvaux to develop a sustainability strategic plan to foster two-way communication on sustainable practices
Earthcare/Caritas events in Bulletin
Goal 6 - Ecological Spirituality
How are we faring in developing ecological spirituality? Focusing on the wonders of the natural world. Praising and thanking God for creation. Respecting culture and ecological spirituality of indigenous peoples.
NATSICC Sunday Liturgy in July each year
LSi’ Week May – Bulletin information and liturgy
Tradition of LSi’ Sunday liturgy/music/sermon with reflection on goals
Indigenous Stations of the Cross on Good Friday
Clairvaux School led liturgy for World Day of Prayer
Season of Creation Calendar on the website as a resource for parishioners
Carbon Fast for Lent Calendar to reduce impact on the environment
Goal 7- Community Engagement & Participatory Action
Are we engaging in and participating in community action for care of creation? Supporting public action on climate change and environment. Calling on political and industry leaders for stronger action on climate change and environment.
Palm Sunday Walk for Refugee Justice
A Parish ‘Welcome’ sign on social media and at the front of the church
After 9 am Sunday Mass Parish Café open – welcome to all; new people, people with a disability, all cultures welcome
Real Deal Social Justice Project; to champion systemic change to current social and affordable housing issues, Care and Connection for All and Meaningful Work & Affordable Living
Connect with diverse cultures in parish through our International Lunch in August
Promote Good Friday Ecumenical Way of the Cross – Procession
Promoting action on climate change through the Bulletin
Welcome Sign
At St. Bernards we extend welcome to all people, whatever your faith, hopes or spirituality.
Those of diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, culture and gender. We especially welcome youth who are searching, curious or just perplexed.
All people “Welcome”
Catholic Earthcare Parishes/Organisations Coordinator
I’ve enjoyed going through your plan. You’ve got some action in all 7 goals which is ideal.
You are particularly strong on Goal 7 with your cooperation/partnerships with Clean Up Aust, Geelong Sustainability, Palm Sunday Walk and The Real Deal.
Love the idea of a new indigenous plants area. Your ongoing addressing of Goals 5 and 6 is admirable and will inevitably result in bringing change that ripples out.
If you achieve all your year 1 (and 2) actions, you will have firmly embedded the journey to ecological conversion in the life of your parish.
A couple of Francis’ thoughts to leave you with …
All of us are linked by unseen bonds and together form a kind of universal family, a sublime communion which fills us with a sacred, affectionate and humble respect. (LS 89)
With best wishes from the Earthcare family as you continue the journey.