Parish News
Did you know that the Website title, ‘St Bernard’s Parish Belmont’, at the top of the screen is our Home page/main menu button!
Clicking on the title when you are on any page takes you back to our home page!
Have you found our new page ‘OUR CHURCH’? It’s located under the heading ABOUT US!
Each week we will endeavour to add interesting facts about our church. Why not take a look!
Popes Prayer Intentions for 2025
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) is an international movement that is more than 170 years old. Each month, the Pope puts forward a prayer intention and asks Catholics around the world to join him in prayer. These intentions cover all sorts of areas of life, encouraging faith, renewing hope, and calling us to loving service. The Pope’s intentions for 2025 are available on our ‘Church News’ page.
What is ALPHA?
A chance to Explore life, faith, meaning.
Alpha is a safe place to explore life’s big questions.
Share a meal with others, watch a short video and engage in open discussion
in a friendly and non-judgemental environment.
Whatever your faith background, whatever your walk of life,
there is always a seat for you at Alpha.
Just come and see!
at St. Bernard’s Parish, 74 Fryers Road, Belmont.
It’s Free! Register Via QR Code
Or call Chrissie on 0419 501 725 or 5243 2739 (Tues & Friday)
St Bernard’s Container Deposit Scheme
St Bernard’s has been registered as a charity with the Container Deposit Scheme.
Containers that come under the scheme are : Most aluminium, glass, plastic and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible.
You can keep the lids on, we recycle them too.
To help identify the appropriate containers, look for the 10c mark on the drink container label. It is often located near the barcode.
To return containers:-
• Parishioners can either download the App and search the Charities in the App for St Bernard’s and make that as the preferred method of payment (the funds will be deposited directly to St Bernard’s parish Account)
St Bernard’s comes under Victoria’s Deposit scheme West and the App is CDS Vic West.
Parishioners can then take the containers themselves to one of the deposit sites and process them -
• they can store the containers at their home and let the Parish Office know when they have a full bag e.g. in a large rubbish bag or tub etc.
They can either phone or email the office to advise or to arrange for a collection at the end of each month.
Merry Christmas from St Bernard’s Parish
Advent Week 4 Reflection
Read more Advent week 4
Mannya Dec 2024
This is the latest Multi-Purpose Hall update with a message from Fr Emma.
Dear Friends
Hope you are well.
This is to appreciate your contributions to the parish hall construction.
The doors and windows are now fixed.
May God bless you
Fr. Emma
Advent Week 3 Reflection
Read more Advent 3
Advent Week 2 Reflection
Read more select Advent week 2
Advent Week 1 Reflection
To read more click Week 1 Advent
Rite of Christian Initiation of Catholics - RCIA
We have 7 candidates / catechumens in our parish making their journey to become Catholics. As part of their formal journey they will undertake their Rite of Acceptance and Welcome at Mass at St. Bernard’s on 1 December. Please keep them in your prayers and make them feel welcome when you see them about.
1. Watch video Advent in 2 Minutes (NEW!)
2. Prayer said together
Dear God, please allow us to embrace Advent in the right way – as a way to prepare for your arrival.
May everything I do, everything I send, every party I attend, every meal I share remind me to prepare space in my heart for you. Amen.
3. Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s new year and is a season of waiting and preparation. In fact, the season of Advent focuses on Christ’s threefold coming—past, present and future.
We await and prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas.
We hope and give thanks for Christ’s presence in us and in the Word and sacraments.
We look to the future, waiting for Christ to come again.
In the coming four weeks, we prepare with mounting expectation for the coming of Christ in a spirit of waiting, conversion and hope.
4. Make an Advent wreath How to make your own Advent Wreath - including Blessing Ceremony.docx
5. Caritas, the Catholic Church’s international aid and development agency, invites us to journey through the 4 weeks of Advent, reflecting on the Scripture readings and sharing in the stories of our brothers and sisters around the world. Each week of Advent, themes of hope, peace, joy and love will be explored.
Each week we are invited to
- Pause and pray
- Light an Advent candle
- Read Scripture
- Reflect as in See, Judge, Act and Pray. Advent 2024 - Parish
Remembrance Mass
As a way of honouring our loved ones, St Bernard’s Parish respectfully invites you to a Mass of Remembrance, to celebrate the life of those who have died and we remember.
The Mass will be held in St Bernard’s Church
(74 Fryers Road Belmont) on
Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm.
During the Mass you will be invited to participate in a candle lighting ritual in honour of your loved one.
This weekend, parishioners enjoyed wine and cheese, as well as morning tea after Sunday masses to welcome Fr. Tho to St. Bernard’s Parish. They had the chance to talk with Fr. Tho and connect with one another. Let us warmly include Fr. Tho in our parish family as we move forward together with the Holy Spirit's guidance. We pray that the Holy Spirit continues to strengthen you in serving our parish.
Invitation to Welcome Fr Tho
Dear Parishioners,
An invitation is extended to all parishioners to welcome Fr Tho to St Bernard’s parish next weekend 16th/17th November following each Mass.
A wine and cheese gathering will be held following Saturday 6:00pm Mass while a morning tea will be held after both the 9:00am and 10:30am Mass on Sunday. You are welcome to bring a small plate to share if you are able.
Kind Regards
Parish Leadership Team
Two new Bishops appointed!
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Pope Francis has this evening appointed two new auxiliary bishops for the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
They are the Reverend Father Thinh Nguyen and Reverend Father Rene Ramirez RCJ.
READ the media release:
Bishop-elect Ramirez, who hails from Gapan, Philippines, has been a priest since June 1998. His first assignment as priest was as the vocation director for the Congregation of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus in the Philippines.
Bishop-elect Thinh was born in Saigon, Vietnam, and came to Australia as a teenager. He entered Corpus Christi College Regional Seminary Carlton in 1999 and was ordained for the priesthood by Archbishop Denis Hart on 16 September 2006 in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne.
Let us all rejoice in prayer for the new bishops-elect. Congratulations!
Welcome Fr Tho Tran
Welcome to the Parish of St Bernard of Clairvaux
It is with much joy that this week, we welcome our new Parish Priest, Fr Tho Tran.
We encourage parishioners to reach out and introduce themselves to get to know Fr Tho over the upcoming weeks. Let us extend our wonderful sense of hospitality and warmly welcome and support him, as he embarks on this new chapter of his priestly ministry with us.
Welcome, Fr Tho ~ we look forward to the journey ahead and the relationships that will form.
From Fr Tho:
My name is Tho Tran, currently I am serving in the communities of Brunswick and Moreland Catholic Mission: St Joseph- West Brunswick, St Fidelis-Moreland, St Ambrose-Brunswick, and Our Lady Help of Christian-East Brunswick. Before this current appointment, I served as an assistant priest a few years in the difference Parishes for Archdiocese of Melbourne, such as Holy Trinity Parish, Laverton, Altona and Point Cook and St Mary of the Assumption Parish, Keilor Downs.
I come from Vietnam and was born in a catholic traditional family, and I desired to become a priest during I was studying in Hanoi University. After a several years of discernment, I decided to join Saint Joseph’s Seminary in Hanoi, Vietnam. A few years later, I was asked by Archbishop Joseph Ngo Quang Kiet for undertaking further priestly formation in Melbourne. I arrived in Melbourne since 2008 and have made this beautiful city as my second home.
This is a great opportunity to be with you. I am looking forward to being a part of St Bernard’s community life, to pray together and to walk with you through a journey of faith.
May God bless you all.
Fr Tho Tran
Pope Francis has released a new encyclical titled, DILEXIT NOS‘, The Sacred Heart of Jesus’.
Read about it on our Sharing Faith page!
Farewell Fr Sang
Everyone is welcome to attend a morning tea next
Sunday 3rd Nov. following the 9.00am Mass,
in the church Café area, to farewell Fr Sang.
We wish Fr Sang every blessing in his new Parish.
All Saints Day: Mass Friday 1st November at 12 noon
All Souls Day: Mass Saturday 2nd November at 9:30am followed by a pilgrimage to the Highton cemetery.
Memorial Prayer space: Please bring a photo of your loved ones to add to the space and be remembered in prayer during the month of November.
Remembrance Mass: will be held on Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm.
Communion to the Sick Ministry
This Parish Renewal has been an opportunity to reflect on our own faith journey and how we can continue to be Christ like in the world today. Ministering to our community is one way in which we can bring Jesus’ word to others.
Our Communion Round reaches out to those who are unable to come to Mass and share in the Eucharist as a church community, thus we would like to invite you to join the team of volunteer Eucharistic ministers. This is a rewarding ministry that engages people and allows them to continue to be a part of the St Bernard’s community and invites relationships to form.
If you feel that this is a ministry that you could assist with, we invite you to sign up and be a part of this team. Formation will take place so that you will feel comfortable in knowing the process of the liturgy.
The ministry involves going to people’s homes and/or aged care facilities. All ministers will go out in pairs, so you would not be alone. Once you are there, a short prayer service is celebrated together before the distribution of communion.
Currently, the team gathers on a Friday to complete this ministry, however, if you would like to give an indication of your availability, we are aiming to work on a system that would provide this ministry on an alternate day.
Please consider signing up to this extraordinary ministry below.
or email
Contact will be made with you and further details will be provided soon.
With kindness,
Liturgy Team
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults at St. Bernard’s Parish
There is an interest in people wanting to become Catholics! This year we have eight inquirers undertaking their RCIA journey commencing in September until Easter.
Inquirers come to us for a variety of reasons. Primarily they want to find God and the Catholic church in their lives. A main reason is that they see St. Bernard’s offering a welcoming community.
If we can offer that vision - and then deliver on it - we will always be a better parish.
So, what do we need to continue this successful program at St. Bernard’s Parish?
• Leaders. We would welcome additional leaders and presenters to the RCIA sessions.
We have ready-made resources and sessions so we can help out any new leaders.
• Guest presenters. In the past we have had guest presenters, and this has worked very well.
• Godparents /sponsors. We are on the lookout for godparents / sponsors to walk with the catechumens / candidates.
• Prayers - please pray for us and the inquirers.
Consider offering your gift of service to this program.
Please leave your name and details below and we will be in contact:
In gratitude,
Outreach & Engagement in Faith Pillar
A HEALING MASS inclusive of the Sacrament of Anointing,
will be celebrated on Sunday October 20 at 10.30am to coincide with the Feast of St Luke (Oct 18th), Patron Saint of Physicians.
This sacrament is available to anyone attending and who would like to be anointed.
If you have a family member or know of someone who may not usually be able to attend mass, but would like to be anointed, why not organise to bring them along with you.
The Parish Renewal was truly an inspiring event that left a lasting impression on all who attended. Many attendees expressed their appreciation for Fr. Richard Leonard SJ's engaging and uplifting presentation, which sparked meaningful conversations.
A heartfelt thanks goes out to Noreen and all those who dedicated their time and effort to organize this fantastic gathering.
As we take a moment to reflect on the Pope’s Prayer intention for this month of October, let’s strive to put our faith into action in practical ways. We genuinely need your involvement! Please consider joining us in various Parish activities, whether it's through attending social events or volunteering your time and talents. In the coming weeks, we will focus on highlighting specific areas where support is needed most. Take some time to contemplate how you can lend a helping hand and also inform others who might be interested in contributing.
Event: TWO Day Parish Renewal
With Fr Richard Leonard sj.
Purpose: An opportunity for spiritual growth and to activate faith-based service within our parish communities and beyond.
Location: St. Bernard's Church, 74 Fryers Road, Belmont.
Dates: Friday October 11 & Saturday October 12, 2024
Free event, donation appreciated.
Bookings for Friday:
Bookings for Saturday:
Sign up lists will also be available in the Church Foyer.
Fr Richard Leonard is a Jesuit priest. He has degrees in arts and education, as well as a Master’s degree in theology. He directs the Australian Catholic Office for Film & Broadcasting, is an Honorary Fellow of the Australian Catholic University; and a Visiting Professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He has lectured on faith and culture all over the world. He has been published widely and is regular columnist with The London Tablet. He is the author of ten books, among the titles are his latest book, Why God? Stories to inspire faith has just been released.
Session Details
Friday 11th October
Friday 2.00-3.30 pm
“Going out to the world: We need all the help we can get”
One of the richest things Catholics take to the world is our tradition. Some people think Catholic Tradition is a static bloc of doctrines that must be imparted to our young. By looking at Mary, the Mother of Jesus we will see how our tradition is rich and responsive to the needs of today.
Friday 7.00-8.15 pm
“Nine steps to making better choices for my life”
On the strongest elements within the Catholic tradition is the process of discerning the promptings of God in my daily life. How can we practically apply the best of our Christian spirituality to the choices we make at home, work and the wider community?
Saturday 12th October
10.00-12.00 Saturday
“Where the Hell is God? Holding to Faith through the Tough Times.”
Our faith in God is easier when everything is going well. But what about the times in our lives when it is challenged, undermined and threatened by the things that happens to us, or those we love? This critical session will help out words around how we can hold to a God who walks with us in the “valley of tears”?
2.00pm – 3.30pm Saturday
“What are we doing on earth for Christ’s Sake?”
Going out to the world is not for the faint-hearted. These days many people think we are nuts for believing in the Father, Son and Spirit. How we hold and proclaim a sensible and joyous religious faith, and confidently impart it to our friends and neighbours, even in the face of serious, secular opposition?
Thank You!
We had a truly fantastic day celebrating the significant milestones in Fr. Sang’s journey. A wonderful and reverent Mass was led by six dedicated priests, accompanied by lovely music from the combined choir, which added a joyful atmosphere to the occasion, as well as beautiful artwork that adorned the space. Many family members and friends attended from various locations, including Geelong, Melbourne, and beyond, with special guests such as Fr. Sang’s uncle traveling from Sydney and his brother making the trip all the way from Vietnam. We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Fr. Sang on his momentous 10th anniversary of priesthood and his upcoming 40th birthday milestone. Following the Mass, approximately 400 attendees gathered to enjoy a delightful variety of delicious food. Starters were generously provided by Fr. Sang’s friends, the main dishes were created by Capri Catering, and a selection of sweets was contributed from both Capri and parishioners. A special thanks is extended to Noreen and the entire organizing committee for their diligent hard work in making this event a success. We deeply appreciate everyone's generous support and participation. Photos from the day were taken by Joseph Caruana and will be available for viewing soon.
A Celebration of
St Bernard's Parish Community warmly invites you to join us to celebrate our beloved Father Sang's 10 years of Priestly Ordination, 40th Birthday, and Parish Priest Farewell. The day will begin with a concelebrated Mass at 10.30 am at St. Bernard's Church, followed by lunch, BYO drinks.
The St Bernard's Parish Community warmly invites you to join us to celebrate our beloved Father Sang's 10 years of Priestly Ordination, 40th Birthday, and Parish Priest Farewell. The day will begin with a con-celebrated Mass at 10.30 am at St. Bernard's Church, followed by lunch.
If for some reason, after booking your ticket, you are not able to attend, please cancel your ticket in your Trybooking confirmation email, so catering numbers will be accurate.
Sunday 15 September 2024 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM (UTC+10)
Registration required by Sept 5, 2024. Please include dietary requirements.
Clairvaux Hall
45 Reynolds Road, Belmont Vic 3216
Book Now
Happy Father's Day! On this special occasion, we extend our warmest wishes to all fathers and individuals who embody the essence of fatherhood. May the love and respect bestowed upon them by their children bring them abundant blessings, as we fervently hold them in our prayers. We celebrate their unique role in shaping lives and providing parental care with profound gratitude and admiration.
Season of Creation
This year Father’s Day also marks the beginning of the recognition of the Season of Creation.
“Future generations will never forgive us if we miss the opportunity to protect our common home. We have inherited a garden; we must not leave a desert for our children.”
The 1st of September signals the beginning of the Season of Creation. It is a time for everyone to pray and act for all that has been created.
It continues for the whole of September. If you’d like some ideas have a look at these calendars for inspiration! The calendar is beautifully illustrated with simple suggestions on how we can all create peace and justice. There is also a link to an action placemat for children. Select the buttons to download!
Happy St Bernard’s Day!
St Bernard’s Day was celebrated by an enthusiastic and lively crowd who shared their amazing and diverse food creations. There was a delightful variety of dishes from a large number of countries, all shared with joy as we came together as a close-knit community to honor the feast of our patron saint. Parishioners had a wonderful time engaging in conversations and catching up with one another, fostering connections and friendships. In addition, wonderful entertainment was provided by some of our talented musicians, which led to some fun and spirited dancing! A special thanks must go to the organising group who dedicated a great deal of effort and time to produce such a memorable and special occasion for us all to enjoy together. Thank you and well done to everyone who attended and contributed to making the day a success.
Exciting News!
We are pleased to launch our inaugural 2024 Parish Pastoral Action Plan for your information.
This plan outlines the Parish Vision, Mission, Leadership Team structure and the Purpose and Activities of the three pillars. The Pillars are independent areas of focus which support each other as a whole.
We welcome your feedback/comments regarding this Pastoral Action Plan, email us at
You will find the Parish Leadership Team profiles on our website
Clergy Appointments!
It is with a blend of emotions that we receive the news of Fr Sang's appointment as Parish Priest for the recently combined parish of Our Lady of Pentecost in Camberwell. This parish holds significance for Fr Sang as it is where he served before his tenure in Belmont. His official commencement date at his new parish is set for the 6th of November, enabling us to cherish shared memories and celebrate his upcoming milestones prior to his departure.
photo: June 2018
Fr Tho Van Tran from the Brunswick and Moreland Parish, has been appointed our new Parish Priest while Fr Linh Pham from the same parish has been appointed to Queenscliff.
Fr Sang has written a brief letter on his appointment:
Dear Parishioners,
Not long prior to taking leave, I was approached by the Vicar General who invited me to take up a new appointment to be the Parish Priest for the parishes of Camberwell, Balwyn, Deepdene, Surrey Hills and Wattle Park. It is sad to leave as I have thoroughly felt at home here amongst you all in the parish of St Bernard’s. The past 6 years have allowed me to learn and grow in my ministry, but more importantly, I have gotten to know you all so well and the relationships formed, not only with the parish community but also with our school community, and this will stay with me forever. I have been privileged to share in your significant milestones; memories that I will always honor and cherish.
This new appointment is also very exciting as it reminds me of Jesus, when in Mark’s Gospel after he had preached to the people in Galilee, he said to his disciples ‘to go to the next place and continue to share the Good News of the Gospel.’ So, it will be exciting to get to know more people in the amalgamated parish of Our Lady of Pentecost; to share life and faith and bring the human loving touch of Jesus to all people that I will be encountering.
I am pleased to announce that the incoming Parish Priest will be Fr Tho Tran. He is currently the 'co-parish priest' with Fr Linh Pham at the Parishes of Brunswick, West Brunswick, East Brunswick and Moreland. Fr Tho was ordained in 2018 by Archbishop Dennis Hart for the Archdiocese of Melbourne and is a very fine young man and priest.
Fr Tho and I have had brief conversations about the changes that will take place and he is very excited to be joining our parish.
It is unfortunate that I am unable to tell you this in person, however, there will be many opportunities over the upcoming months to discuss and to celebrate the many things we have achieved together. We will also have time to plan for the transition upon my return as I will be with you until November 6 which is when the new appointments will take effect.
God’s Blessings
Sang Ho
Welcome Fr Ian Waters!
This weekend we welcomed Fr Ian Waters who has come to celebrate Mass with us over the next few weeks whilst Fr Sang is away. Fr Ian was Sang’s lecturer in Canon Law at the seminary.
We also thank Anthony our Parish Altar Server for assisting Fr Ian.
Thank You Luncheon!
What an enjoyable event it was, with fantastic food, wonderful company, and an opportunity to dance! Our dedicated Church Volunteers truly relished every moment. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Fr. Sang, the Parish staff, and our talented chefs for organizing a special thank you lunch to show appreciation for the volunteers' hard work and commitment.
Thank you!
National Volunteer Week - 20 - 26 May 2024: 'Something for Everyone'
We thank all our amazing Volunteers who give so generously of their time and their skills. All the many Parishioners who help out in the Church, around the grounds, in the Office, within our community groups, those involved in fundraising and the many unseen heroes! We hope all enjoy today’s Parish ‘Thank You’ luncheon.
We especially want to recognise our compassionate St Vincent de Paul volunteers who are celebrating their organisation’s 170 years of service.
‘Volunteering is vital for community wellbeing and is personally rewarding’, said St Vincent de Paul Society National President, Mark Gaetani, ‘and in National Volunteer Week, as throughout the year, I honour the efforts of the Society’s 45,000 members and volunteers around Australia.
‘Our conference members provide assistance to thousands of families and individuals in need, while our shop volunteers are essential for the running of our much-loved Vinnies op shops.
‘Our volunteers range in age from their teens to their eighties. Many are retired and have every right to take it easy, but they still put in countless hours helping others in a variety of ways.
Thank You
To MARGARET and PETER WILLS for all their work throughout the year in collecting and sorting items for the annual Book Fair. Thank you to the many people who assisted on the day or behind the scenes, your help is much appreciated. It was a great success.
Parish Bulletin
The Archdiocese is is installing a new computer system which requires us to change the way we do things. We will stop using ‘Mailchimp’ from now on. If you would like to continue to receive our St Bernard’s Parish Bulletin by email you will need to subscribe using the button above. This is a FREE subscription. Click the Button above and follow the simple prompts. The information you provide will not be provided to any third party.
Find us on Social Media St Bernards Parish Belmont
Instagram : @st_bernards_parish_belmont
Are you new to the Parish?
Are you a Parishioner and would like to know more about our Parish?
Would you like to get to know others in our Parish?
Our Parish Leadership Team (PLT) are here to help!
On the FIRST WEEKEND of the month a member of the PLT will be available after mass in the foyer, to answer any questions you may have or just to be available for a chat. Maybe you have some new ideas. Let us know!