Parish News

Did you know that the Website title, ‘St Bernard’s Parish Belmont’, at the top of the screen is our Home page/main menu button!

Clicking on the title when you are on any page takes you back to our home page!

Thank You

To MARGARET and PETER WILLS for all their work throughout the year in collecting and sorting items for the annual Book Fair. Thank you to the many people who assisted on the day or behind the scenes, your help is much appreciated. It was a great success.


Many of our Parish and school children received the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time over the weekend. We continue to pray for them and the remaining children who will receive the Eucharist next weekend.

Invitation to Volunteers

Are you on any rosters for the parish?

Do you help in ways unseen and unsung in the church or grounds?

You are invited to a THANK YOU luncheon on Sunday 26th May in the Big Space at 11.45am.

RSVP by Friday 10th May (essential for catering).

Please indicate special dietary requirements. Phone the Parish Office on 5243 2739 or email

Masses for First Eucharist Children

The masses for all of our children who will receive the Eucharist for the first time this year of 2024 will be:

Friday 3rd May at 12noon, Sat 4th May at 6pm, Sun 5th May at 10.30, Fri 10th May at 12noon and Sat 11th May at 6pm.

We pray for these children:- May God bless you, May God keep you, May God’s goodness shine on you, May we see God’s face in everything you do. Amen.

As there will be around 25 children receiving First Eucharist at each of the above masses, parishioners may consider going to another mass at St Bernard’s, that will not have First Eucharist children and their families so that everyone is accommodated comfortably in the Church.

ANZAC Day 25th April

Lord God, we honour those who have sacrificed their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom and prosperity of this great nation.

We thank you for the courage of those who gave their lives that we might live.

We thank you for the patience and steadfastness of those who, having survived the conflict of war, have carried their scars back to Australia, but have continued to serve their country despite their suffering.

We thank you for the medical personnel who have cared for them, in wartime and in peace, and brought them as much comfort and healing as is possible.

We thank you for the opportunity to remember them as we do at this time each year, making us aware of the value of unselfishness, bravery and sacrifice.

As we honour them and pray for them, we ask that we may be true to the example that they have given, so that we may be ambassadors of freedom and courage to those around us, that we might serve others in the same way they have given themselves for us.

We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, your Son, who sacrificed Himself for us and for all people. Amen.

 St Bernard’s Church Annual BOOK FAIR - Sun 5th May

Clairvaux School Hall, Reynolds Rd. Belmont    8am to 2pm

Come along & browse through a huge selection of second-hand books                                         - fiction, non-fiction & children’s - all at bargain prices.

Jigsaw puzzles, board games, DVDs & CDs & Scrumptious Scone Stall.

Something for everyone.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations!

Here is an activity for children. Please click on the title to download a copy.

WDPV Activity

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Happy Easter and thank you to all who contributed to the celebrations throughout Holy Week and Easter. Thank you to Fr Sang on his 5th anniversary of celebrating as our Parish Priest (and Administrator) here in Belmont!

Easter at St Bernard’s


The Liturgy team would like to thank everyone who contributed to and participated in any way in our Sacred Triduum ceremonies (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil).  Our biggest thanks go to Fr Sang who led us gently and prayerfully through them all and provided much for us to reflect on in his homilies.  Another special word of thanks goes to Marina Dias for all her work in contacting participants, preparing Power Points and running sheets, and making sure everything that was needed was available.

We were very blessed to have the assistance of the visiting Redemptorist seminarians, Siven, Minh and Hans, whose presence added a different dimension of prayerfulness to the ceremonies.

At the Easter Vigil we welcomed Adam and Meredith into our Catholic faith and the community of St Bernard’s following their journey of preparation through the RCIA process.  We pray that their faith will deepen grow as they continue to learn about the mysteries of faith that have been handed on to us. 

Last, but by no means least, a big "thank you" to all who attended.  Your presence helped to build our worshipping community at this time, enabling each of us to enter into the spirit and prayerfulness of each occasion fully, consciously and actively (cf Vatican 11 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy #14).

May the blessings and joy of Easter remain alive in each of us.

Throughout Holy Week and Easter, Fr Sang has been accompanied by 3 Seminarians studying in the Redemptorist order in Kew. They were able to stay with Fr Sang and enjoyed the opportunity to share many experiences. While they were assisting Fr Sang they also gained valuable and insightful direction from him. We pray for their continued progress in the seminary and may they be blessed by their experience with us during Easter.

Pictured (L-R) Siven, Angel (Altar Server), Fr Sang, Minh, Hans

St Bernard's Holy Week Reflection 2024 Palm Sunday

Hans, Sivens, and I arrived at St. Bernard’s Parish in Belmont on Palm Vigil Sunday, 2024, to a warm welcome from Fr. Sang Ho. We saw Sang already at work in the parish, decorating the palm tree in the front foyer in preparation for the Mass. He showed us the presbytery, where we would be staying for a week. Palm Sunday was a Sunday of joy, and the parishioners looked happy with palms in their hands as they processed from the foyer to the church: “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” The King who sat on the colt on Palm Sunday was the same King who was on the Cross of Calvary.

Tenebrae & The Stations of the Cross

Something that I experienced differently at St Bernard’s parish was the Tenebrae service and the reflection on Stations of the Cross in a contemporary context. The contrasting images of the darkness of the world and the light of Christ of Tenebrae reminded me of John’s Gospel: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (Jn 8:12) Contemporary reflections on the Station of the Cross enabled the people of God to reflect on their relationship with Jesus and encouraged everyone to take part in making a better world—a world of justice, peace, consolation, and hope.

Happy Easter 2024 Back to the presbytery. Sang was the master chef in the house. He did most of the cooking, and we did the washing up. Hans and Sivens prepared a healthy Indonesian dish that left a lasting impression on Sang. No doubt, the fish menu was the most preferred, and Sang decided to take on the challenge of having fruit for his dessert. Thank you, Fr. Sang, for your hospitality, and thank you to everyone we met at St. Bernard’s Parish. We very much enjoyed our stay and remembered St. Bernard’s parishes in our prayers.

Holy Week

In Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday, 24 March, Catholics participate in ancient religious practices, some of which are detailed below.

Palms, processions and the passion

On Palm Sunday, the Catholic Church recalls Jesus’ messianic entrance into Jerusalem before his crucifixion. As Jesus rode into the city on a small donkey, the Jews gathered around him, throwing cloaks and palm branches on the road and exclaiming praises as he passed by. At Palm Sunday Mass, palm branches are blessed and the faithful process into church.

The Lord’s Supper

On Holy Thursday, the Catholic Church celebrates a special Mass of the Lord’s Supper - that commemorates the institution of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper. On the night before Jesus Christ was crucified, he changed the bread and wine into his own Body and Blood, and he commanded the apostles – and their successors- to act in his stead and re-present this sacrifice. So, at every Mass, by the way of transubstantiation, the bread and wine offered by the priest becomes Christ’s Body and Blood again.

Washing feet

Just as Christ did for his 12 apostles at the Last Supper and as he commanded them to do likewise, during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the priest, who represents Christ, ceremoniously washes the feet of 12 people in the congregation. At the Holy Thursday liturgy in the Vatican, even the Pope performs the foot washing.

Going with Jesus to Gethsemane

After the Last Supper and before he was arrested and condemned to death, Jesus went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, accompanied by two of the disciples. So, after the Holy Thursday Mass, the remaining sacred hosts are carried out of the sanctuary to an Altar of Repose, and the people go with the Eucharistic Christ in a procession. People stay for a time, adoring the wondrous sacrament that Jesus instituted that day more than 2,000 years ago.

A vacant church

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper is finished, the church, now without the Eucharist, is truly empty. So, the tabernacle light- which is always lit and signifying Christ’s presence – is extinguished, and the tabernacle door is left open, exposing the vacant interior. The altar is stripped bare of its linens and candles, holy water is removed from the church’s fonts and the sacraments are not celebrated until the Easter Vigil. Like the first Christians bereft of Jesus and mourning the two days after the crucifixion, the church stands unadorned until the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday night. With the resurrection of Jesus, the church’s joy is restored.

Stations of the Cross

The Stations for the Cross devotion is centred on the Passion of Christ. This recalls the way of Jesus’ suffering and death. By praying the Stations of the Cross, a person makes a spiritual pilgrimage to the principal scenes of the salvific Passion of the Lord.

Embrace the Cross

On Good Friday, the church gathers for the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion, which includes a reading of a Gospel account of the Passion, Holy Communion (consecrated at Mass on Thursday night) and veneration of the Cross.

Edited extracts Kairos March 2013

An Ecological Approach to Holy Week - read more on our Laudato Si’ page.

Just click our title at the top to return to our Home page, where you’ll find it.

Paschal Triduum reflections

- click to read more on our Faith page.

The liturgies of the Triduum form a seamless whole. They all celebrate one and the same great mystery of faith: the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2 April 2023

Real Deal Action Forum

Adequate housing is essential for human survival with DIGNITY, with the current housing crisis a huge social justice issue in Geelong. St. Bernard's Parish has joined this alliance to advocate for solutions. Over 200 people turned up for this Action Forum at the Geelong West Town Hall to learn about solutions to the housing crisis in Geelong, including 9 parishioners from St. Bernard's Parish. More information on our Laudato Si’ page.

You can show your support by signing this petition to the City of Greater Geelong to build public and community housing

Have you wondered why we have been listening to different Gospel readings over the last few weeks?

In recent weeks, we have heard Fr Sang refer to the Scrutinies celebrated by our catechumens and candidates. These are part of a series of rites belonging to the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) of Adults) that are celebrated during the season of Lent on the third, fourth and fifth Sundays. Read More

RCIA is the pathway for adults to become Catholics.  Since August last year, our candidates Adam and Meredith have been taking their journey with Fr Sang and the St. Bernard's RCIA leaders' group.

The RCIA leaders are excited to welcome Adam and Meredith as they enter our Catholic community at the Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass.  They have completed their formal preparations and are ready to receive their Sacraments of Initiation at St. Bernard's this coming weekend.

This is a special time for our Parish so please keep supporting them and praying for them on their journey of Catholic faith.


Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Throughout 10.30am Mass, St Bernard’s Parish were treated to beautiful music sung by our Women’s Choir, all wearing a touch of green. They are truly wonderful!


Angel is a new parishioner from the Philippines, staying with family here in Belmont. Angel is serving our community as an Altar Server. Thank you!

Real Deal Community Forum March 14, 2024

We are excited to invite you to the Real Deal Community Action Forum hosted by Real Deal Geelong, a coalition of community organisations dedicated to addressing the pressing issues in our community with solutions which will make a difference. By joining us, you'll have the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue, hear from key stakeholders and decision -makers and contribute to positive change in our community. You can read more about this Real Deal Community Action on our Parish Laudato Si’ Action page. Please scroll to the top of the page and select our Title/Home page.

When: Thursday March 14 Location: Geelong West Town Hall,

153 Pakington Street, Geelong West.

Time: 6.45pm for 7pm sharp start. Supper served from 8.30pm

Please register here.

Mill Market Stall

Can you help St Bernard’s market stall with items from deceased estates or house clearances? Our market stall is doing very well at the Mill Market and is always looking for more stock. We take all sorts of crazy items from china, ornaments, records, books, vintage magazines, clocks, board games, vases and anything else you think would be of interest. Mill Market donations & Book Fair items can be dropped off Saturdays between 9am and 10am at the Clairvaux School Hall. Please call the Parish Office (5243 2739) to discuss further. Thank you for your support.

Can you Help?

Volunteers are needed to wash mass cloths, baptismal towels and Fr Sang’s vestments. Please contact the Parish office on 5243 2739 if you can assist.

RCIA Update!

RCIA is the pathway for adults to become Catholics.  Since August last year, our candidates Adam and Meredith have been going through their journey with Fr Sang and the St. Bernard’s RCIA leaders’ group.  This includes prayer, faith education sessions and reflection time.  It enables them to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus and sharing God’s great love. 

On Ash Wednesday they were presented to our Parish community, and we confirmed they were ready to continue their journey.  That presentation was in preparation for Adam and Meredith undertaking the Rite of Election and Welcoming at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  They did that on Sunday 18 February 2024 with members from 60 other parishes. 

Please pray for Adam and Meredith as they move through their final stage of preparation to become Catholics at Easter.

Carbon Fast for Lent

Lent is a time of repentance and fasting, of turning away from all that is counter to God’s will and purposes for his world and all who live in it. This year, we invite you to focus your Lenten ‘acts of love and sacrifice’ on our contribution to climate change, and those most impacted by it.

Please download a copy by clicking the link or pick up a copy in Church!

Carbon Fast Calendar

Ash Wednesday at St Bernard’s

Parishioners came together on Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent. A time of repentance, as Pope Francis reminds us, that “Let’s us return to God with all our heart!”

Try some of these fasting ideas to help !

The St Bernard’s Outreach & Engagement in Faith Team invites you to participate in a program

that will allow faith to be put into practice and to believe in the extraordinary HOPE that the Gospel bears.


Purpose: To find a few minutes each day to sit, reflect and trust God to lead us forward. The 6 week program includes scripture readings, silent reflection, faith sharing (if completed with a group), and prayer (also includes Holy Week). The program comes from the Archdiocese of Brisbane and invites us to put our faith into practice, to believe in the extraordinary HOPE that the Gospel bears.

You are invited to participate in this program in one or both of the following ways.

·        A weekly meeting in the church, led by a member of our team, using the Lenten resource, “A Resurrected Life.”

·        A daily self-directed reflection, using the Lenten resource,  “A Resurrected Life.”

If this invitation appeals to you, could you please contact the Parish Office on 5243 2739 or email

·        Leave your name and contact details

·        Indicate your preferred way of engaging in this program – self-directed or joining a group in the morning or evening (the sessions will be held on the day that suits the most participants). 


Ash Wednesday is very early this year – February 14 – so please register your interest by 

Sunday February 11th.

Once we have gathered this information, we will inform you of details of how the program will proceed.

The Resource Booklet will be available from the Parish Office at a cost of $5.

Year of Prayer in preparation for JUBILEE Year in 2025.

Did you know that Pope Francis declared this year 2024, beginning on the 23rd January, Word of God Sunday, a year of Prayer! The 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope begins on December 24 (Christmas Eve) and concludes on January 6, 2026.

The Year of Prayer is about preparing the groundwork for the 2025 Holy Year, so it can spiritually enrich the life of the Church and be a sign of hope for the world. It is a time to get back to basics: to discover how to pray and how to educate people in prayer “so that prayer can be effective and fruitful”.

Read about the Year of Prayer and the Jubilee Year of Hope, on our Church News page!

Australia Day Celebration!

A wonderful sense of community was felt today as a number of parishioners, families and friends came together to celebrate Mass and then a shared lunch on Australia Day.

Fr Sang's heartfelt homily was thought provoking and mindful. We were able to reflect on the Beatitudes and on the importance of a change of heart, if we are to move forward as a nation. A wonderful afternoon full of warmth and friendship ensued

Thank you to those who assisted in the preparation of the day and tending to the BBQ and also a big thank you to parishioners who brought along something to share. A huge thank you to those who attended to make the day so special

Diamond Jubilee!

Congratulations to an amazing group of Sisters of Mercy who today celebrated the 60th Anniversary of their first profession 👏

We give thanks to God for their faithful service and commitment and the love they have shared with all those they encounter 💖

May God bless them always 🙏

Special Masses:

25th January - Thursday Mass will be at 12 noon (not 9.30am)

The Mass is to celebrate the 60th anniversary of first profession of a group of Sisters of Mercy-Diamond Jubilee. All are welcome to join and help celebrate this special occasion.

26th January - Australia Day BBQ. After midday mass on 26th January, parishioners are invited to an Australia Day BBQ. If you are able to volunteer as a BBQ cook, please contact the parish office. BBQ Sausages, bread and sauce will be provided or if you wish bring some meat for the BBQ or a plate of food to share. Hope to see you there.

Church Café needs new volunteers!

Are you available to assist with serving in the Café after the 9.00am Mass?

2 or 3 people are required, once a month, for the new roster beginning in February.

Please contact Doris via the Parish Office if you can help!


The Vatican’s doctrinal office issued a declaration on 18 December addressing “the possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples.” ’The first thing to note is that the document is a “declaration” — the most important level of document issued by the Vatican’s doctrine department. To get a sense of how rare it is, consider that the last such declaration was the text Dominus Iesus in the year 2000.

The new text’s title, Fiducia supplicans, comes from its incipit, or opening: “The supplicating trust of the faithful People of God receives the gift of blessing that flows from the Heart of Christ through his Church.”         

The Meaning of the Various Blessings — the declaration’s longest — the text reflects on the meaning of blessings, which it describes as being “among the most widespread and evolving sacramentals.” It considers blessings from a liturgical, biblical, and “theological-pastoral” perspective. The text concludes by stressing the importance of offering blessings, so that “every brother and every sister will be able to feel that, in the Church, they are always pilgrims, always beggars, always loved, and, despite everything, always blessed.”

Read more on our Sharing Faith Page!

Popes Prayer Intentions for 2024

The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) is an international movement that is more than 170 years old. Each month, the Pope puts forward a prayer intention and asks Catholics around the world to join him in prayer. These intentions cover all sorts of areas of life, encouraging faith, renewing hope, and calling us to loving service. The Pope’s intentions for 2024 are available on our ‘Church News’ page.

Merry Christmas!

Change to Family Mass: 6.00pm Christmas Eve

Due to weather conditions the Family Mass will be held in the Church with limited seating.

Merry Christmas!

O Antiphons

Did you know that these prayers are said each day in the 8 days before Christmas, beginning on the 17th December?

Each begins with a Latin name for Jesus beginning with O! Read more on our Faith page!

Advent Reflection!

St John’s gospel never calls John, ‘the Baptist’ but refers to him as the Witness: a witness to speak for the light, embodied in Jesus Christ.

How have I been Christ’s voice, his witness in the world?

Let us pray that the joy of our God might be evident in our hearts and homes.

Advent Reflection!

Week 2

“You’ll find me in the stillness, as I’m whispering your name.”

Try and take some time each day to sit with these words. Where do I find Jesus in the busyness of this season?

Our Church during Advent

Students from Clairvaux School, assisted by their teachers, prepared the banner that is across the front of the altar during Advent. It highlights the theme of giving and receiving HOPE. The hands extend towards each other in a gesture of offering and acceptance, and the hearts represent the love that arises from this.

The students have also written messages of hope on the paper chains hanging in the church foyer, and all are welcome to take a little time to read these.

We thank teachers and students for accepting the invitation of the Liturgy Pillar to provide this artwork to help us enter into the spirit of Advent

Advent Reflection!

Week 1

Prepare each week by reading the Gospel passage and reflecting on it. Please select the button for guidelines for this week.

Remembrance Mass

A wonderful sense of community was present as we gathered on this last day of the Month of Remembrance. Feelings of compassion and gratitude for one another are immeasurable when grieving the loss of a loved one, and we thank God for the relationships that we cherish. Thank you Fr Sang for leading us in prayer and for all who were able to take part in our celebration.

Real Deal update and invitation

Participate in the process and show your support for positive action in a Real Deal for Geelong.

Date: Thursday 7 December

Location: Cloverdale Community Centre, 167-169 Purnell Rd, Corio

Time: 6.30pm for light meal, 7pm sharp start. Finish 9pm.

More details and booking information on our Laudato Si’ page.

Have you been thinking about becoming more involved in our Parish?

Have a look at our Community page! You might find something you would like to do or a group you’d like to join.

Perhaps try the Ladies Cuppa and Chat group or the Men’s Group. Read our Community pages for more details or contact the Parish Office

During this month of November, we have been remembering and praying for our Faithful Departed - those who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in God's mercy. This year we will conclude the month with our Remembrance Mass on Thursday 30 November at 7.30p.m. All parishioners are invited to attend, and a special invitation is being sent to those for whom a loved one has died during the past year. Each family attending the Remembrance Mass will be invited to participate in a candle lighting ritual in honour of those for whom they pray. Please join us for supper after mass in the café area.

‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.’ —Laurence Binyon

Today we remember and pray for those who have given their lives in service to their countries. May we never forget their courage, their sacrifice, and their devotion to those they loved. And may we live a life that is worthy of their sacrifices. We will remember them.

Lest we forget.

November—a time for remembering

We have again created a sacred memorial prayer space, around the statue of Mary, with photos & flowers. You are invited to bring along a photo (up to 15x22cm) or memento of your loved one & perhaps some flowers. We will remember all those who are placed in this space in prayer, throughout November. A special mass of Remembrance will be held on Thursday 30th Nov 7.30 pm.

All Souls Day was celebrated with a beautiful mass in pray for all those who have died. After mass a group followed Father Sang in pilgrimage to the Highton Cemetery where he lead prayers in remembrance of those who have gone before us. Later people gathered for lunch at our Café to share memories and valued time with each other. Thank you especially to Felicity for organising the food and for the men who skilfully cooked!

November 2nd: All Souls Day invitation

For us, the place where our loved ones are resting is Holy or Sacred Ground. It is not only because our loved ones’ remains are kept there so that each time when we visit, it brings back so many sweet memories and makes them alive in our hearts, but also because at the cemetery, we are reminded about our faith in Jesus’s Resurrection through the visible signs of the tombs.

As the feast of All Souls is approaching, I invite you to join me for a pilgrimage

to the Highton cemetery (the closest cemetery to our parish) for a prayer

service following 9.30 am Mass on Thursday November 2.

Details as follow:

9.30 am Mass then drive to the cemetery (Park at St Luke's Uniting Church Carpark or surrounding area).

10.30 am Prayers and a commemoration for all the faithful departed at the cemetery on a level area (will advise on the day) and private time to visit the cemetery.

11.45 am Drive back to the Church Café

12noon BBQ lunch at the Church Café. Fr Sang Ho

See our MASS TIMES page for details of all November masses.

𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗦𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝘆—𝟭 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 🥰

Today is the solemnity of All Saints! 🙏 Not only is it a chance to remember the heavenly crowd cheering us on, but today we are reminded in a special way of our true calling: to be saints. In a sense, we already are—we have been chosen, set aside, and made holy by Christ. But every day we need to keep running the race, starting anew, always journeying toward eternity with him, our saviour.

Let the words of St Bernard of Clairvaux spur us on today: ‘We should not only want to be with the saints, we should also hope to possess their happiness. While we desire to be in their company, we must also earnestly seek to share in their glory. Do not imagine that there is anything harmful in such an ambition as this; there is no danger in setting our hearts on such glory.’ 🙏✝

Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

Synod on Synodality

The Synthesis Report at the conclusion of the 16th General Assembly of the Synod on Synodality is published. Looking ahead to the second session in 2024, the text offers reflections and proposals on topics such as the role of women and the laity, the ministry of bishops, priesthood and the diaconate, the importance of the poor and migrants, digital mission, ecumenism, and abuse.

A report summarising discussions at the Synod on Synodality’s first assembly said the Church may need more welcoming pastoral approaches, especially to people who feel excluded, but also acknowledged fears of betraying traditional Church teachings and practices. Source: CNS.

Read more on our Church News page.

Rite of Christian initiation of Adults: RCIA 2023 - 2024

We have two candidates / catechumens in our Parish’s RCIA journey to become Catholics. Adam and Meredith commenced their formal RCIA journey in August.

 On Sunday October 29, at Mass at St Bernard’s, they will undertake their Rite of Acceptance and Welcome.

 Please keep them in your prayers and make them feel welcome when you see them about.

Laudate Deum, or “Praise God”

“Laudate Deum”: the Pope’s cry for a response to the climate crisis

Pope Francis has published an Apostolic Exhortation building on his 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si’. We’re not reacting enough, he says, we’re close to breaking point. He criticises climate change deniers, saying that the human origin of global warming is now beyond doubt. And he describes how care for our common home flows from the Christian faith.

“’Praise God’ is the title of this letter. That’s how Pope Francis ends his new Apostolic Exhortation, published on the 4th October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi.

The document’s release comes ahead of the United Nations COP28 summit scheduled for November 30 to December 12 in Dubai.

The new document, titled Laudate Deum, or “Praise God,” amounts to a strong rejection of scepticism about global warming and the consequences of human intervention in the environment. The new document, titled Laudate Deum, or “Praise God,” amounts to a strong rejection of scepticism about global warming and the consequences of human intervention in the environment.

Read more by going to our home page and scrolling to SHARING FAITH.

Synod on Synodality

The XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, known as the “Synod on Synodality”, commenced on the 4th October 2023. The Church hierarchy and laity are gathered for what many say will be the most important gathering of the Church since Vatican II. It will be Part I of the Synod on Synodality, with Part II to be held in October next year.

A synodal Church is a Church of listening.

The word synodality comes from its Greek roots, syn and odos, which literally means ‘Together on the road’. Synodality is about renewal and reform of the Church, in particular by walking together on this journey.

Taking stock of the preparatory phases – including the Diocesan, Episcopal Conferences’-Synods of Oriental Churches and the Continental stages – Cardinal Grech pointed out that, despite initial reservations and some difficulties and misunderstandings, this journey has helped the Church “grow in vigour”, educating it “in the synodal experience of ‘walking together’”.

"It is up to this Assembly", Cardinal Grech concluded, citing Pope Francis’ words on the 50th anniversary of the Synod, 17 October 2015, "to question itself - at a universal level - on the Church's ‘walking together’, in the certainty that ‘the path of synodality is the path that God expects from the Church of the third millennium’".

On our home page, scroll down to find more on our CHURCH NEWS page.

Understanding Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ ahead of its ‘sequel’

In August, Pope Francis made the surprise announcement that he was writing a ‘second part’ to his encyclical Laudato Si’. This new apostolic exhortation is due to be released on 4 October 2023, the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. The date also marks the conclusion to the Season of Creation, the ecumenical celebration designed to bring Christians together over care for our common home.

The figure of St Francis of Assisi cannot be underestimated. The life of St Francis was an integrated one. His approach to creation, to the poor, and to the faith, were united together. It is not a ‘green’ encyclical, it’s a social encyclical …,

Following the publication of Laudato Si’ in 2015, Pope Francis wanted to clarify the meaning of the encyclical amid significant public discussion taking place. When we speak of the “environment”, what we really mean is a relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it.

Read more on our CHURCH NEWS page.

Season of Creation

St. Bernard's & CLC Australia invites you to celebrate this year's Season of Creation theme
"Let Justice and Peace Flow'
to explore the path towards ecological conversion.

Date: 30th September (Saturday)

Time:  11.30am-12.30pm  AEST

Presenter: Sue Martin, Being with God in Nature Ministry Coordinator, Care for our Common Home Officer for the  Australian Jesuit Province, and Member of the Ecojesuit Team

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 851 6308 8841

Passcode: 327509

Conversation about the Voice to Parliament

You are invited to a meal and a yarn about the Voice Referendum with local First Nations community leaders, supported by the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative and the City of Greater Geelong.

An opportunity to learn more about the Voice Referendum in a safe and inclusive forum facilitated by local First Nations community members.

Date: Thursday 21 September, 2023 from 6 pm

Where: Cloverdale Community Centre, 167 Purnell Rd, Corio

A delicious BBQ dinner will be provided on the night.

RSVP for catering:

About this event

  • 3 hours

  • Mobile eTicket

If you have any dietary requests, please phone Cloverdale Community Centre on 52754415.

This event is supported by organisations participating in the Real Deal Geelong.

This weekend, the Catholic Church in Australia marks Safeguarding Sunday, on which we pray for those who have been abused, their families and supporters. We recognise and apologise for the harm done by priests, religious and lay people in Church settings. Rebuilding trust and confidence in the Church requires constant work and vigilance. We recommit to cultural change that will help the Church be a place that builds and supports safe communities for all people.

You can find out more about the Church’s work in this area at:

Happy Father's Day! On this special occasion, we extend our warmest wishes to all fathers and individuals who embody the essence of fatherhood. May the love and respect bestowed upon them by their children bring them abundant blessings, as we fervently hold them in our prayers. We celebrate their unique role in shaping lives and providing parental care with profound gratitude and admiration.

SEASON OF CREATION: Continues for the whole of September. If you’d like some ideas have a look at these calendars for inspiration! The calendar is beautifully illustrated with simple suggestions on how we can all create peace and justice. There is also a link to an action placemat for children. Select the buttons to download!

Invitation to all parishioners to join in Clairvaux School led Liturgy to celebrate the opening of the Season of Creation.

Date: Friday, 1st September, 2023

Time: 9.15 am

Location: Clairvaux Outdoor Amphitheatre (outdoor).

From September 1 (World Day of Prayer) to October 4 (Feast of St. Francis) each year, the Christian community celebrates the Season of

Creation, this year the theme is Let Justice & Peace Flow.

Prophet Amos cries out: ‘But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ (Amos 5: 24) and so we are called to join the river of justice and peace, to take up climate and ecological justice, and to speak out with and for communities most impacted by climate injustice and the loss of biodiversity.

As the people of God, we must work together on behalf of all Creation, as part of that mighty river of peace and justice.


On Sunday Fr Emma provided us with an update on the Parish of St Luke’s in Mannya. Our continuing support is helping the many families of the community, through the Health centre and schools that have been established. The many agricultural projects and the Coffee Factory are enabling the community to become self sufficient. Fr Emma has asked for our continuing support to further develop the production of Coffee and maintain the schools and medical facilities. The full report is on our MANNYA page.

Social Justice Sunday 27 August 2023

Each year, the Catholic bishops of Australia release a Social Justice Statement. This year, Listen, Learn, Love – A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples invite us, as Catholics, to begin a new engagement with the First Peoples to overcome injustice, an engagement grounded in love. Read more at;

Social Justice Statement 2023-24 - Office For Justice, Ecology and Peace (

CELEBRATION: St Bernard’s feast and 20th Anniversary!

Thank you to the group that organized this event and the volunteers who helped make it a big success! The Mass was beautiful and we had support from the children's school choir and the combined Parish Choir. We also welcomed many people involved in planning the move and early days of our Parish, including Fr Peter Foley and Paul Spence. Fr Emma from Mannya also returned, which was great. The International luncheon was impressive, with a wide variety of food from different countries. Thanks to all the church members who brought food to share and to everyone who attended and enjoyed meeting others. It was a wonderful community celebration. You can view more photos by clicking the button below, thanks to Joseph Caruana.

Please view more photos of the special occasion taken by photographer JOSEPH CARUANA!

Feast of St Bernard and 20th Anniversary of our new Parish site.

Everyone is invited to celebrate this special occasion!

This SUNDAY at 10.30am Mass followed by an ‘International Luncheon’ in the Parish Big Space!

St Bernard of Clairvaux's feast day is celebrated on August 20th.

Bernard of Clairvaux was born in 1090 in France. He came from a noble family and received a good education. At the age of 22, he entered the Cistercian monastery of Citeaux, where he became known for his piety and devotion. Later, he was sent to found a new monastery in Clairvaux, which became the motherhouse of the Cistercian order.

St Bernard of Clairvaux was known for his eloquent preaching and his writings on theology and spirituality. He played a significant role in the reform of the Cistercian order, emphasizing simplicity, austerity, and manual labor. He also actively participated in the political and ecclesiastical affairs of his time, advising popes and kings.

St Bernard of Clairvaux was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1174, just 21 years after his death. He was recognized for his holiness, his contributions to the Cistercian order, and his influential writings. His teachings on love for God and devotion to the Virgin Mary had a profound impact on the faithful. The Church also recognized his role in promoting the Second Crusade, although the outcome of the crusade was not as successful as he had hoped.

St Bernard of Clairvaux founded numerous monasteries throughout Europe and is considered one of the most important figures in medieval monasticism. He was also declared a Doctor of the Church in 1830, a title given to individuals whose writings have significantly contributed to Catholic theology.

Overall, St Bernard of Clairvaux's life and teachings continue to inspire and guide many Catholics around the world.

This year we also celebrate 20 years since we moved our parish church to this site.

We continue to give thanks to God for the many gifts and blessings that he has given us in this community of St Bernard.

May we be inspired by our patron Saint to continue to share God’s message of Love and Mercy to one another.

Are you or a friend considering becoming a Catholic?

St. Bernard's Parish is about to commence its 2023-2024 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults journey (RCIA) to prepare people to become new Catholics.

If you are interested or considering becoming a Catholic, please complete the registration of interest via the button which can be found

on the ‘Becoming Catholic - RCIA’ page under the Sacraments Tab.

We will be in contact with you.


AUGUST 20TH 2023

Feast of St Bernard’s and the 20th Anniversary of our new Church location! Special Mass at 10.30am followed by an international lunch to celebrate!

Please bring a meal to share with others! There will be sheets for you to indicate the food you will bring in the Church foyer, or you can contact the Parish Office.

More news to follow.

God wants young people to bring joy to the hearts of the elderly and to learn from their experiences, Pope Francis said.

The message was released at the Vatican June 15 in anticipation of the celebration July 23, the Sunday closest to the July 26 feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, Jesus' grandparents.

The Holy Spirit "blesses and accompanies every fruitful encounter between different generations: between grandparents and grandchildren, between young and old," the pope wrote in his message.

Spiritual Journey into the Second Half of Life.

Date: Saturday July 22 - presentation on Zoom

Time:  11 am - 12 noon - Looking Back

                        30 min lunch break 

           12.30 - 2.00 pm - Looking forward 

Program includes:  Input, Quiet Time, Prayer, Sharing if you wish.

Presenter:  Dr. Susie Hii MBBS, FRACP, is a geriatrician and an Ignatian spiritual director, with a Masters in Spirituality.

Sessions are free.

Registration essential:  Please register at the Parish Office:  email or 5243 2739.

Please note: The presentation is on Zoom, if you do not have access to Zoom then we will arrange to show the presentation in the Parish Meeting Room for you.

This event is being held on the weekend of The Pope's World Day for Grandparents and Elderly.

Age is an opportunity no less

than youth itself,

Though in another dress.

And as the evening twilight fades away,

The Sky is filled with stars.

A new life in Christ…

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday, 2nd July 2023

Today, on the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we join the Australian Bishops and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council in celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. As Australians, we are fortunate to share our home with the world’s oldest continuing culture. On this day, we honor and acknowledge God’s presence in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, who have upheld their rich and diverse cultural traditions for thousands of years. We give thanks for the deep and enduring legacy of these ancient peoples and their contributions to our Continent.

This year’s theme, “A New Life in Christ” reflects the hope and promise of a brighter future, rooted in unity and shared commitment to positive change.

This Thursday 22nd June 2023!


You are invited to a special Ignatian Spirituality Presentation,

by Jesuit priest, Fr Javier Diaz SJ at St Bernard’s


Presentation: A Living Relationship Between You and God.

I become aware of the extraordinary gift of unconditional love that the Creator has given me and I ask for the inner peace that I need for my life journey.

Date: Thursday, 22 June, 7 pm - 8 pm, St Bernard's Church

To register: Contact the Parish Office 5243 2739 or


120 Parish children, from our Parish classes and Clairvaux school, celebrated receiving their first Eucharist over the past two weeks. It was wonderful for the wider Parish community, to be able to join with families in these celebrations and we continue to pray for all those involved. Thank you to the hard work of all staff involved.

Bishop Martin Ashe

Bishop Martin has spent three days in our Parish, meeting parishioners and helping to celebrate the Eucharist with children from our Parish Sacrament program and from Clairvaux school, who received the Eucharist for the first time.

Our first Eucharist celebrations will continue next weekend.

Please keep all the children and their families in your prayers.

Come and meet our regional Bishop! Saturday 10th June: 9.30am - 12noon

Please bring a plate to share for Morning Tea.

Read more about Bishop Matin on our Church News page.

Carrying Forward the Plenary Council: As we continue the journey together

New guide supports local reflection on Plenary Council outcomes.

Catholic communities across the country are being invited to consider how the outcomes of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia can be integrated into local contexts with the help of a new study guide.

Further details are available on our Church News page.

Reconciliation Week at St Bernard’s

‘And with your Spirit

And With Your Spirit


National Reconciliation Week 2023

At all masses on the weekend, Fr Sang asked Mark Cooper to speak about his experiences living in remote communities and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Mark spoke about the need for all people in our country to show our love for each other and to be reconciled with one another, united in the Spirit of the Creator God who has given life to us all.

Mark’s talk was followed by a version of the song ‘We are One’ with words written by Mark.

Special thanks to Mark and Kate for providing the music!

Click this link for the words!

National Sorry Day (26th May) and National Reconciliation Week (27 May—3 June)

May 26 marks National Sorry Day, remembering and acknowledging the hurt and trauma of the Stolen Generation. We acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation. We pray in a very special way for our First Nations people and understand that Australia cannot be the land which it can be, and which God is calling it to be, without reconciliation.

A Catholic Social Services Webinar Series – Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Moments for healing this country

Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV), in conjunction with Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA), is pleased to invite you to join us for a series of webinars to learn more about the upcoming referendum on Constitutional Recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and the Voice to Parliament. We will be exploring questions like:

·         What is the history of the referendum?

·         Should First Nations Peoples have a Voice? And why now?

·         How has the Catholic Church engaged with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples over time?

·         How might Catholic Social Teaching be applied to the questions that lie before us in 2023?

Learn from legal, historical and theological experts, and hear from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders about their experiences, hopes and concerns for the Voice referendum in 2023. 

See our Church News page for more details.


Pope Francis drew attention to the way in which exploitation of the environment is related to the exploitation of persons, so that the slums within which the poor are compelled to live in unjust societies, are intimately related to the destruction of the natural world and to the polluting of waterways and the air. Respect for the natural world and for each human being go together.

Bishops issue statement on Indigenous Voice to Parliament

As a vote on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament nears, Australia’s bishops have encouraged Catholics to read and discuss the Uluru Statement from the Heart – the document from which the Voice proposal emerged.

Please see our CHURCH NEWS page for further information.

Happy Mother’s Day !

Mother’s Day Prayer.

Good and Gentle God, we pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all women who nurture life and love in the children you place with them. Grant to all mothers, the courage they need to face the uncertain future that life with children always brings. Give them the strength to live, love and inspire, and to be loved in return. Give them the faithful support of husband, partner, family and friends, as they care for the physical and spiritual growth of their children. Give them joy and delight in their children to sustain them through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give them the wisdom to turn to you for help when they need it most, and help them know that they are important and valued. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Many thanks to everyone who helped make the St Bernard’s Book Fair a fabulous success! A HUGE thank you goes to Marg and Peter Wills, who tirelessly collect and sort books throughout the year and who coordinate the Book Fair.


LAUDATO SI’ WEEK 16th – 24th May is a global celebration where we remember Pope Francis urging us in his encyclical Laudato Si’ to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor and to humbly place ourselves in communion with our common home. As a Catholic Earthcare Parish we celebrate our part in the great progress the whole Church is making on its journey towards the seven Laudato Si’ Goals set before us by Pope Francis to achieve ecological conversion.

Follow the link to read more.

The Take the Way of the Gospel journey continues in 2023 with a series of regional consultation sessions. These will provide an opportunity for clergy and laity in parish communities to come together, learn from each other and inform the process that will help reorient our communities of grace towards missionary renewal.

Read more on our Church News page!

1st Eucharist Preparation

Over the last two weeks, children from our Parish Sacrament class and from Clairvaux School, along with their families have presented themselves to the Parish community. The children are in the final stages of preparing to celebrate receiving the Eucharist for the first time. First Eucharist masses will be celebrated during June and the Parish community has been asked to pray for all those involved.

Laudato Si Action Platform

Action Wednesday 10th May 6pm

The Geelong Real Deal Discernment,

Cloverdale Community Centre 167-169 Purnell Rd Corio to determine which main issues clearly need good solutions. To register visit

Save the Date:

St Bernard’s

Book Fair

On this ANZAC Day, let us pray for all those who have selflessly given their lives in the service of others. And let us pray for an end to all conflict, and commit ourselves to be instruments of God's peace, here and now.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them."

(Ode of Remembrance)

Parish Bulletin

The Archdiocese is is installing a new computer system which requires us to change the way we do things. We will stop using ‘Mailchimp’ from now on. If you would like to continue to receive our St Bernard’s Parish Bulletin by email you will need to subscribe using the button above. This is a FREE subscription. Click the Button above and follow the simple prompts. The information you provide will not be provided to any third party.

Find us on Social Media St Bernards Parish Belmont

Instagram : @st_bernards_parish_belmont


Are you new to the Parish?

Are you a Parishioner and would like to know more about our Parish?

Would you like to get to know others in our Parish?

Our Parish Leadership Team (PLT) are here to help!

On the FIRST WEEKEND of the month a member of the PLT will be available after mass in the foyer, to answer any questions you may have or just to be available for a chat. Maybe you have some new ideas. Let us know!


Parish Bulletin


Parish Laudato Si’ Action Plan